Worley Blog

Archive for July, 2024

Trends in Fulfillment Automation

Posted on: July 31st, 2024 by Worley Warehousing

Everyone is having to make smarter use of automation and technology today given labor shortages, high inflation rates that cut into margins, and competitive pressure. In warehousing and fulfillment, the rush is on to further automate and digitize to optimize operations and gain efficiencies with labor and space resources. Demand for fast and accurate order […]

AI’s Emerging Role in Warehouse Automation

Posted on: July 16th, 2024 by Worley Warehousing

Methods for automating in the warehouse through software and material handling equipment—from tools such as predictive analytics to autonomous vehicles—are evolving fast with the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and its subset machine learning. The integration of AI into warehouse management systems (WMS), labor management systems and other planning software bring efficiencies, allowing warehouse managers […]